Design Thinking has been making buzz for quite some years now. This has changed the way many product companies work. There was a time when companies came up with either creative or logical solutions but not both together. Then came Tim Brown, CEO of a design company who coined the process of thinking logically and creatively as Design Thinking which instantly changed the way businesses worked. This process can be divided into 6 stages which include EMPATHIZE, DEFINE, IDEATE, PROTOTYPE, TEST and IMPLEMENT . Empathize This step is the problem finding path to apply the process. The spotter must empathize with the crowd having the problem as in most of the cases it isn’t one’s own problems that is being solved. This helps in understanding the WHY’s WHAT’s HOW’s and WHERE’s of the problem. Define This is where the problem statement is defined and formulated so that solutions can be found out using various other techniques. ...